A mysterious virus suddenly occupied headlines of the most popular newspapers. It comes from Africa, it’s connected to bats and it’s deadly. That’s about as much as a regular reader knows. If you want to learn more about the virus, there is a course for you.
Explore Filmmaking: from Script to Screen
Have you ever been interested in how films are made and what is going on behind the scenes? Do you find the process of writing, directing and composing a film fascinating? If you do, you can learn more about it from the course Explore Filmmaking: from Script to Screen.
Course on Management
While management is a complicated process that involves people skills and knowledge of social sciences, management is also an art. At least, that’s what the creators of the course Managing People: Engaging Your Workforce believe.
Decision Making
In our complex world many problems simply can’t be solved with one perspective in mind only, they require an approach from many different angles. Following this principle a course Decision Making in a Complex and Uncertain World was created.
Climate change
There’s no doubt you have already heard about climate change. It’s been intensively discussed in mass media for years; you heard about it from your friends, family and professors. But have you ever had a chance to examine it from your own perspective?
Course on Beauty and Symmetry
Beauty can not only be intuitively recognized, it can also be mathematically calculated. You understand and see forms the way you do because of how you brain perceives their shapes and patterns. If you are simply curious or professionally interested in the mechanism of this process, here’s the course for you.
Model Thinking
Life is unpredictable and chaotic, full of unexpected events which seem unexplainable and out of control. According to the Model Thinking course though, if you apply models to the way you think you’ll be able to make sense of the world around you.
New course on Business Growth
Unlike many other courses on business, Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part II is on online course that focuses not on how to start a business but on how to grow an already existing business. Note that while this course has “Part II” in its title, you don’t have to attend the first part before starting with the second one: there are two parts of the course because they focus on two different stages a business goes through.
The Psychology of Criminal Justice course
Crime101x The Psychology of Criminal Justice is one of the most exciting courses that are available today.
Course description states that the course “systematically explores the effectiveness of the law and justice system from a psychological perspective”, which means it covers a list of serious topics in the sphere of crime investigation. It focuses separately on the process of investigating the crime scene, working with eyewitnesses, identifying and questioning the suspect, trial, and other processes. It teaches you the psychology of law and brings to your attention some misconceptions that are commonly held about criminal justice. Such profound topics make the course sound potentially uneventful and even dull, but that was not the case thanks to creative approach of the course inventors.
Social Psychology course review
Coursera’s Social Psychology course has already run twice and proved to be very popular with students.
The course is led by inspiring professor Scott Plous, whose genuine wish to pass his knowledge to students is clear in every of his lectures. He grabs your attention already in the introduction video for the course, by providing some unexpected examples of how human psychology works.